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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Sterling's Rules" by Zelma Orr

Title: Sterling's Rules
Author: Zelma Orr
Publisher: New Concepts Publishing
Sub-Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 266 Pages
Heat Rating: Sensual
Rating: 3.5 Cups

Available at:
Amazon | B&N | New Concepts Publishing | Smashwords

It’s just Jennifer White’s luck that she falls for the man she’s looked for all her life, a wonderfully attentive man who loves her small daughter, Beth, as his own. However, she looks into the perfect future and finds Zane Sterling has not only used her for his sexual fantasies, but also to find out if she’s embezzling thousands of dollars from Maxim Motors where she works as accountant. As a single mother, she’ll do almost anything to keep Beth comfortable, but stealing is not one of them.

Jennifer’s love struggles to survive, but can Zane justify hidden reasons for his determined pursuit of her?

Sam’s Review:
Sterling's Rules is a good book. I did enjoy the read, but my biggest problem I found with it was the head hopping and I had to keep checking to make sure I was reading the right part of the story. Once you get past the change of thoughts, you can enjoy the book.

Jennifer and Kane are well-written characters and the plot is believable with lovely romantic elements which only enhances the building relationship between the characters.

Overall it was a good story and I found myself feeling so sorry as Jennifer gives all of herself to Kane Sterling and when she finds out he’s betrayed her is a really emotional scene.


**Disclaimer: This book has been provided to Coffee Beans & Love Scenes (“CBLS”) Reviews free of charge by the author in exchange for an honest review of this title. No money has been exchanged for this review. This review reflects the opinion of the individual reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of any other CBLS reviewer or this blog’s owner, editor or administrator.

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