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Friday, February 10, 2012

The Marriage List by Jean C. Joachim

Title: The Marriage List
Author: Jean Joachim
Sub-Genre(s): Romance, Contemporary
Publisher: Self Published
Publication Date: Not Given
ISBN #: B0064ERU7M
Format: eBook from Author
Reviewer: CBLS Reviews
Rating: 4 Cups

Can happily ever after start with a list? Grey Andrews thinks so. After ten years of working, saving and investing, Grey finally achieved a level of wealth that allows him to do what he wants with his life. He needs a woman to share it with, but not any woman, the perfect woman. A woman who has the three essential qualities on his marriage list. But after three years of searching he isn’t any closer to finding her than he was when he started out. 
Carrie Tucker, an aspiring mystery writer and divorcée struggling to make it in the world of advertising, turned her focus from men to her career after dating too many creeps and losers. She’s finally earned her big break, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become the first female creative director in a hot New York ad agency. So what if it means working nights and weekends? It’s not like she has a social life anyway.
Is the marriage list a failure or will a chance meeting at a fiction-writing conference prove the list to be the key to Grey’s happiness after all?

The camaraderie between Grey and his best friends, the Four Horsemen, is so perfect. It's like I was a fly on the wall listening...and Grey's worries with finding the perfect woman/match for him... if only most men thought like that. Joachim touches every possible aspect of a relation with Grey and Carrie. I especially love the sibling connection with Grey and Jenna- their dinner conversation had me smiling making me recall similar conversations with my older brother- realistic and heart-warming. 
The love-hate moment when Carrie and Grey first meet is superb. I fall for those genuine moments every time- yes, I'm a a sap especially when I know what happens later down the line. Joachim doesn't fail to entertain, create a well written love story and believable characters. And ah, the marriage list Grey has...and shares with Jenna, who inadvertently...well, read it and you'll see. LOVED it! This is a list women have... not the men. *Nice little twist Ms. Joachim!*
Joachim delves deep into Grey and Carrie's lives individually and as a couple, she leaves no stone unturned in The Marriage List.
This is a must-have love story for all romance readers. It gives you back the feeling that true loved does exist.

Available at:
Amazon (Kindle Edition)
Barnes & Noble (Nook book)


*Blurb Courtesy of Amazon

**Disclaimer: This book has been provided to Coffee Beans & Love Scenes Reviews free of charge by the author. No money has been exchanged for the review of this eBook. This review reflects the opinion of the individual reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the other C&R reviewers or this blog’s administrator/editor.

1 comment:

Jean Joachim Books said...

Thank you for the stunning review. I'm so glad you liked the book and your review leaves me speechless.