Title: The Destroyer
Author: Jianne Carlo
Publisher: Etopia Press
Sub-Genre: Historical Romance
Length: 97 pages
Heat Rating: Erotic
Rating: 4.5 Cups
Available at:
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To Viking warrior Magnus, marriage is naught but a contract, a bargain between men for land and title. Lust, love—he scorns such notions as weak and unmanly. But three days before he’s to wed a highland princess, he falls into the maelstrom of a maid’s startled eyes. Their passionate tryst has him rethinking his notions, and he struggles to find a way to keep the beguiling Deidra while honoring the marriage contract he’s arranged with the father of his betrothed.
Deidra cannot take a walk in the forest without finding a wounded dove. Devoted to her menagerie of injured bears, peacocks, and wolves, she vows to disobey her Da when he betroths her to the Norse warrior known as the Destroyer. Until, disguised as a maid, she’s rescued from a would-be rapist by the Destroyer himself. How can any call him ugly or cruel? For he treats her as if she is made of spun glass, and teaches her the magikal pleasures of the flesh.
But Magnus is furious when he learns the woman he’s fallen so deeply for is none other than his betrothed. For there’s nothing he despises more than a deceitful female...except, perhaps, two of them...
Emma's Review:
Magnus is on his way to meet his betrothed when he saves a maid from a lecherous attack. He's beguiled by the woman but destined for another. Deidre has no wish to marry the man known as 'The Destroyer'. She is drawn to forest and its creatures. To avoid the marriage she dons a disguise and leaves the safety of her family. Rescued by a huge scarred warrior, Deidre is drawn in by his sensuality and gentleness. But now she fears what will happen when the warrior discovers that she is his bride.
Despite it's ominous title The Destroyer, this is fun, fanciful and sexy read. I love Magnus and found his vulnerability concerning his size and scars very endearing. I'm not sure I've ever taken to a character as quickly and completely as I did to Deidre/Daisy. Without a lick of caution or guile, she's just a breath of fresh air. And while the entire story is much more fantasy than fact, it is delightfully entertaining. Raw sensuality jumps from the pages when Magnus and Deidre come together. The animal scenes are sweet and add a touch of humor. I highly recommend the entire series and I do hope there are more stories to come. (Fiona could really use a man).
**Disclaimer: This book has been provided to Coffee Beans & Love Scenes (“CBLS”) Reviews free of charge by the author in exchange for an honest review of this title. No money has been exchanged for this review. This review reflects the opinion of the individual reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of any other CBLS reviewer or this blog’s owner, editor or administrator.
Thanks for taking the time to read and review The Destroyer. I'm happy you enjoyed the tale.