Title: Ravish Me
Author: Cindy Jacks
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Sub-Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 179 kb
Heat Rating: Erotic
Rating: 4 Cups
Available at:
Amazon | B&N | Ellora's Cave | All Romance eBooks
Jane’s boyfriend Matthew is perfect in all ways but one—in the bedroom. Sure, their sex life is sweet and romantic, but therein lies the problem. Jane harbors secret desires that she’s afraid will turn off her vanilla lover. But finally she confides in him, introducing him to the world of non-con role play.
Matthew has always believed that no means no, but in ravishment fantasy no means yes, yes, yes. He’s reticent to open the door to the darker side of his sexuality, but with Jane’s patient guidance he finds he enjoys the role of aggressor. Perhaps more than he’s comfortable with. The role play stirs up a host of memories he’d rather forget, leaving him to wonder which is his true self—the sweet, romantic lover or the ravisher.
Reader Advisory: Descriptions of nonconsensual sex could be potentially triggering for some readers.
Sam's Review:
I was intrigued by the concept of Ravish Me. I like reading stories that take me on a ride of emotion and out of my comfort zone.
Jane had a secret desire to partake in nonconsensual sex with her boyfriend Matthew. She cannot achieve orgasm in any way without that element of force. However, she doesn’t want to scare him off because she believe he could be the one. She knows her desires are not strictly normal but she can’t help the way she feels.
I want to start by saying this may not be for everyone. There is a reader advisement with the book that is warning readers before reading. This is my first real kind of book with this theme where it is the heroine who wants to partake in this activity.
The author, Cindy Jacks, takes on this theme and I think she pulls it off. When Jane comes clean to Matthew about her desire, there is a conflict inside him. This I found to be the most pulling element to this story. He wants to please Jane but can he go so far as to potentially take her against her will. The scenes that are played out where it shows his emotion were extremely well written. There is a battle inside him over what to do.
I like that the authors has not taken the subject lightly. She delves into it from both angles. You see why Jane needs it and how Matthew tries to give him woman what she needs.
Again, this story is not for everyone. At times I was a little nervous while reading but overall I felt this was a good read, especially with the subject.
**Disclaimer: This book has been provided to Coffee Beans & Love Scenes (“CBLS”) Reviews free of charge by the author in exchange for an honest review of this title. No money has been exchanged for this review. This review reflects the opinion of the individual reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of any other CBLS reviewer or this blog’s owner, editor or administrator.
Hi Sam! Thanks so much for the thoughtful review. I'm glad I could take you--as a reader--on a successful journey outside your comfort zone. Is was my intention to do just that by exploring this topic. I'm glad you found my work intriguing, respectful and a good read. Cheers!