Title: Hold Tight(Willow Springs Ranch #2)
Author: Laura Harner
Publisher: Hot Corner Press
Sub-Genre: GLBT Romance
Length: 140 pages
Heat Rating: Erotic
Rating: 5 Cups
Available at:
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Sheriff Holden Titus had organized his fresh start down to the last detail. Except for the part about the bomb that blew his plans all to hell. Now he’s running out of time, without a job, without a home, and struggling to get back on his feet. Literally.
Despite the impolite rejection, Drew knows he didn’t have the wrong impression months ago when he asked the sheriff to dance, but he never expected to have Holden’s life in his hands. Literally.
Thanks to some meddlesome matchmaking, the two men are now temporary housemates at the Willow Springs Ranch and Drew is determined to help Holden heal, both physically and emotionally. Even if it means he has to drag the other man kicking and screaming to physical therapy…and out of the closet. In fact, that might be kind of fun.
The problem is, Holden doesn’t consider himself in the closet…but not all secrets are created equal.
Molly's Review:
This author has extremely talented skills. She instantly captured with a twist of suspense, keeping me hooked the entire story. These sexy gay cowboys work their way to a special place deep in your heart, where they'll leave you feeling every emotion and thought they have.
Sheriff Holden Titus is sheriff no more. After helping out with Ty and Cass's crinimal, he's recuperating from a devestating explosion at their ranch. Once a very independent, deep-in-the-closet guy who has a secret, the sexy ex-sheriff is forced to move onto the ranch, accepting a job from Ty & Cass. What he wasn't counting on, though, was seeing Dr. Drew Van again-the sexy as sin vet.
Drew knows a gorgeous gay man when he sees one, so he thought nothing of askign the tall, dark cop to dance at the night club. But, what he doesn't need is a guy firmly rooted in the closet holding onto secrets from him. When he finds Holden after the explosion, he does everything he can to keep him alive, and then not tell him when he's better that it was him who saved his life. After Holden moved to the Willow Springs Ranch, he's hesitant to take Ty & Cass up on their offer of living quarters....especially after learning he's gonna have to shack up with the grumpy ex-sheriff (can we say matchmaker best friends?!).
Holden and Drew's paths are always crossing, especially when Drew assigns himself as Holden's Physical Therapy enforcer. Trouble is, Holden can't quit fantasizing about the creamy fleshed vet. Should he let go and admit all he wants to do is hold tight to the vet and never let go; entrusting him with his secret and life? Or should he get out of dodge before hearts are further invested?
I adored every page turn of this sexy, incredibly written book! Hot, hot passion and caring mixed with the perfect amount of suspense, this is most definitely a highly recommended must read! While this is the second in the Willow Springs Ranch series, it's certainly not confusing. The author drops hints at previous events keeping the reader up to date, so it's easily a stand-a-lone, and one that is forever on my favorites list! Well done, Ms. Harner!
**Disclaimer: This book has been provided to Coffee Beans & Love Scenes (“CBLS”) Reviews free of charge by the author in exchange for an honest review of this title. No money has been exchanged for this review. This review reflects the opinion of the individual reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of any other CBLS reviewer or this blog’s owner, editor or administrator.
I loved this book too. I think I liked Cass & Ty a little better, but this one was certainly hot!