
Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Reluctant Cougar by Morgan k Wyatt

Title: The Reluctant Cougar
Author: Morgan K. Wyatt
Sub-Genre(s): Contemporary, Erotic, Cougar
Publisher: Secret Cravings Publishing
Publication Date: November 25, 2011
Format: eBook from Author
Reviewer: Brynn
Rating: 4 Cups

The very last thing Ashlee expected was to meet a hot, younger guy Nick, at her boyfriend’s funeral. The tall, soft-spoken man comforted her with stories of her boyfriend since he studied under him. Grateful for Nick’s help and the shared connection they both shared with the deceased, they kept in contact.

Ashlee managed to ignore his hints for drinks and meetings putting it down to politeness. He felt sorry for her. There was no way he could be interested in a woman at least a decade older than him. That was until her work posse caught scent of the story and urged her to give the man a chance. Ashlee knew she had to be the most reluctant cougar in the history of womankind, but what did she have to lose?

Hot Flash to say the least- Wyatt produces and creates such a believable 
The humor, forget the fact that Ashlee meets Nick... at a funeral- that in itself is...a WOW moment but Wyatt knows how to bring the characters to life. This cougar tale had me wanting so much more of Wyatt's writings, I will be looking for more in the future from her.
The dialogue and Ashlee's forwardness (you could warm me up- love it) throughout the story had me rooting for her and the love they shared. The tenderness, yet the hot sex scenes, are ones many women crave and Wyatt pinned the emotions perfectly.
I applaud Wyatt's well received story and am in search of more cougar stories- gotta love those women and the men they adore!

Available at:
Amazon (Kindle Edition)
Barnes & Noble (Nook book)


*Blurb Courtesy of Amazon

**Disclaimer: This book has been provided to Coffee Beans & Love Scenes Reviews free of charge by the author. No money has been exchanged for the review of this eBook. This review reflects the opinion of the individual reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the other C&R reviewers or this blog’s administrator/editor.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brynn,
    Thanks for the review. Cub in Blue is available too at Secret Cravings too. Contact me and I will send you a copy of this story about wounded hero and the woman who brought him back to life. Soon to be released is Puppy Love about a vet, s shy banker, and a very wayward puppy.

    Thanks again
