
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Felicity Jones by Dee Dawning

Title: Felicity Jones
Author: Dee Dawning
Sub-Genre(s): Erotic, Menage, Interracial
Publisher: New Dawning Bookfair
Publication Date: February 28, 2010
Format: eBook from Author
Reviewer: Brynn
Rating: 3 Cups

Adam and Devon are best friends and they share more than friendship. They both want a chance at the deceptively innocent looking college coed Felicity Jones. As college buddies they’re used to working together and once they focus their efforts on Felicity the outcome is assured. Although highly erotic the love scenes are also playful reflecting the college casual atmosphere. Felicity has a secret though, one she’s hiding.

Dawning's attempt at a college campus menage falls flat for me. It is believable that college age kids have is believable that they do it in the empty classrooms...what I found too difficult to comprehend is Felicity's wishy-washy attitude about her fiancee...and her unstable thinking about 'just having sex for the sake of having sex”. That didn't warrant well in my book. Granted erotic romance novel have a HEA or HFN ending, but Dawning leaves the question unanswered with a continuation in another novel about Miss America, AKA Felicity.

While her writing style was fairly impressive, I found too many character breaks with thoughts of Felicity, I am assuming her and finally realized this at the end of the book- but by then it was too late to save me from finding fault with this book.

Available at:
Amazon (Kindle Edition)


*Blurb Courtesy of Amazon

**Disclaimer: This book has been provided to Coffee Beans & Love Scenes Reviews free of charge by the author. No money has been exchanged for the review of this eBook. This review reflects the opinion of the individual reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the other C&R reviewers or this blog’s administrator/editor.

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